
비밀번호 tool, Vault 사용법

seul chan 2017. 10. 10. 21:16

How to use Vault with django

Starting Vault

Installing Vault

You can follow official site tutorial. It’s really easy to install.

  1. download vault here
  2. unzip the package
  3. check vault binary is avalible in PATH
# inside dir vault file is
# it's in ~/Downloads now
mkdir ~/vault
mv ~/Downloads/vault ~/vault

# add PATH to ~/.profile file
export PATH=$PATH:/Users/username/vault

Now you can use vault in terminal

Starting with dev server

$ vault serve -dev
WARNING: Dev mode is enabled!

In this mode, Vault is completely in-memory and unsealed.
Vault is configured to only have a single unseal key. The root
token has already been authenticated with the CLI, so you can
immediately begin using the Vault CLI.

The only step you need to take is to set the following
environment variable since Vault will be talking without TLS:

    export VAULT_ADDR=''

	The unseal key and root token are reproduced below in case you
	want to seal/unseal the Vault or play with authentication.

**# AND THOSE KEY (Unseal Key, Root Token)**
	Unseal Key: 2252546b1a8551e8411502501719c4b3
	Root Token: 79bd8011-af5a-f147-557e-c58be4fedf6c

	==> Vault server configuration:

		 Log Level: info
			Backend: inmem
		Listener 1: tcp (addr: "", tls: "disabled")
  1. Launch a new termianl
  2. copy export VAULT_ADDR='' above and paste to command
  3. save Unseal Key and Root Token
  4. you can check server by vault status

Basic usage

writing secret

$ vault write secret/first value=secret
Success! Data written to: secret/first
# you can write multiple piece of data too
$ vault write secret/first vaule=secret myname=seul

read secret

# easily read secrets
$ vault read secret/first

# you can use json format
$ vault read -format=json secret/first

# also you can use jq tool to extract only value
$ vault read -format=json secret/hello | jq -r .data.myname

If you want to use jq tool, you have to install it. check here to install 
easily install in mac os by brew install jq

Delete secret

$ vault delete secret/first
Success! Deleted 'secret/first' if it existed.