tools/jekyll blog

Automate jekyll blog image screenshot - with BTT(Better Touch Tool)

seul chan 2017. 12. 17. 16:09

Nowadays, I hooked on great application, Better Touch Tool. I’m using BTT for many functions - shortcuts for application, play/stop on current video on safari (such as udemy, youtube), open specific document… and so on!

And I find out that there’s really great feature about screenshot in BTT. (Maybe I noticed it too late)

I currently use jekyll for writing my blog (because I prefer vim even while write blogs) and upload it to daum tistory blog. (for just distribution)

So it’s not that easy to upload images to my blog. I always make screen shot first, and add it to jekyll image directory, (which is too complicated), and upload it to github server.

Now I can easliy upload my image by single one click (or keyboard shortcuts!)

Better Touch Tool supply many screenshot features including upload to imgur . I make shortcut to upload to imgur and automatically copy the url. After copying url, I can use the url to my post’s markdown img syntax! That’s easy, right?


1. Download BTT (it’s not free app now, but free tutorial for 45 days - and it cost only 5$. I highly recommend this application)

2. Make keyboard shortcuts for screenshots

  • Anything you want is possible
  • I use Shift + Command + B: it’s simmilar to mac default screenshot command, and B means blog


  • if you want to edit screen shot, choose frist one (captuer screenshot then edit in BTT) : BTT screenshot window automatically open after you take screenshot

  • elif you just want to upload imgur, choose second one: nothing happen after screenshot, just upload screenshot and copy url to your clipboard! Super Easy way


3. Config screenshot setting

if you choose second one (configure), you have to config your own setting. (Don’t afraid. It’s super easy)

When popping up config window, click After capture and set to Upload to imgur;

And you have to authorize in Imgur. Just following picture below

4. Enjoy!

If you done, you can easily and automatically make screenshot and uplad to imgur.

BTT is amazing tools, so you can change config for your own setting.

Happy Hacking!
