
rust: Mac OS X에서 rust 설치하기

seul chan 2018. 12. 7. 21:01

다음 명령어로 rustupcargorustc를 간단하게 설치 가능하다.

curl -sSf | sh

이후 rustc -v로 설치가 되어있는것을 확인할 수 있다.

$rustc -v

rustup 1.15.0 (f0a3d9a84 2018-11-27)
The Rust toolchain installer

    rustup [FLAGS] <SUBCOMMAND>

    -v, --verbose    Enable verbose output
    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    show           Show the active and installed toolchains
    update         Update Rust toolchains and rustup
    default        Set the default toolchain
    toolchain      Modify or query the installed toolchains
    target         Modify a toolchain's supported targets
    component      Modify a toolchain's installed components
    override       Modify directory toolchain overrides
    run            Run a command with an environment configured for a given toolchain
    which          Display which binary will be run for a given command
    doc            Open the documentation for the current toolchain
    man            View the man page for a given command
    self           Modify the rustup installation
    set            Alter rustup settings
    completions    Generate completion scripts for your shell
    help           Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

    rustup installs The Rust Programming Language from the official
    release channels, enabling you to easily switch between stable,
    beta, and nightly compilers and keep them updated. It makes
    cross-compiling simpler with binary builds of the standard library
    for common platforms.

    If you are new to Rust consider running `rustup doc --book` to
    learn Rust.

rust는 ~/.cargo/bin에 설치되는데, 만약 환경변수가 제대로 지정이 되어있지 않았다면

source ~/.cargo/env

를 해주면 된다.

Rust로 개인 프로젝트를 하나 할 생각이다.

자세한 설명은 Rust 문서에서도 확인 가능하다.

rustup doc 명령어로 local 파일의 docs를 이용할 수 있다.

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