
[kubernetes 패키지 관리자] Helm 설치 및 기본 사용법

seul chan 2020. 5. 25. 22:20

Helm usage

Setup example project

helm create mychart
rm -rf mychart/templates/*


helm install full-coral .
helm get manifest full-coral
helm uninstall full-coral

# test template rendering
helm install --debug --dry-run goodly-guppy .

Built-in objects

  • Release:
    • Release.Name
    • Release.Namespace: The namespace to be released into (if the manifest doesn’t override)
    • Release.IsUpgrade: This is set to true if the current operation is an upgrade or rollback.
    • Release.IsInstall: This is set to true if the current operation is an install.
    • Release.Revision: The revision number for this release. On install, this is 1, and it is incremented with each upgrade and rollback.
    • Release.Service: The service that is rendering the present template. On Helm, this is always Helm.


  • values.yaml에 넣은 내용을 {{ .Values. }} 템플릿 문법으로 사용 가능
  • helm install --set myvalue=value로 override 가능
  • --set myvalue=null로 제거 가능

Template functions and pipeline


apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: {{ .Release.Name }}-configmap
  myvalue: "Hello World"
  drink: {{ quote .Values.favorite.drink  }} # use template
  food: {{ | upper | quote }} # use pipelines

Using default function

  • 가장 많이 쓰이는 함수 중 하나. 값이 없으면 default value 사용
  • 실제로는 잘 안쓰이고 모든 값이 values.yaml에 있어야됨. 아래에 나오는 if 등과 같이 사용
drink: {{ .Values.favorite.drink | default "tea" | quote }}


  • if/else
  • with
  • range
  • define
  • template: imports a named template
  • block
{{ if PIPELINE }}
  # Do something
{{ else if OTHER PIPELINE }}
  # Do something else
{{ else }}
  # Default case
{{ end }}


apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: mychart-configmap
  name: {{ .Release.Name }}-configmap
  myvalue: "Hello World"
  drink: {{ .Values.favorite.drink | default "tea" | quote }}
  food: {{ | upper | quote }}
  {{ if eq .Values.favorite.drink "coffee"}}mug: true{{end}}

아래와 같이 whitespace 맞춰줄 수 있음 ({{- ... -}})

  food: {{ | upper | quote }}
  {{- if eq .Values.favorite.drink "coffee" }}
  mug: true
  {{- end }}


$name, :-를 사용하여 variable 사용 가능

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: mychart-configmap
  name: {{ .Release.Name }}-configmap
  myvalue: "Hello World"
  {{- $relname := .Release.Name -}}
  {{- with .Values.favorite }}
  drink: {{ .drink | default "tea" | quote }}
  food: {{ .food | upper | quote }}
  release: {{ $relname }}
  {{- end }}
  toppings: |-
    {{- range $index, $topping := .Values.pizzaToppings }}
      {{ $index }}: {{ $topping }}
    {{- end }}

이런식으로 key, value로 지정하게 쓰임

  {{- range $key, $val := .Values.favorite }}
  {{ $key }}: {{ $val | quote }}
  {{- end }}